Division of Hydrology and Water Resources
  • English
  • Polski
Climate Change Impact Assessment on Selected Sectors in Poland
Time span: 


Aim of research
The CHASE-PL project will extend the state-of-the-art of the detection of climate change in Poland, projection of climate change and its impacts in selected sectors, and interpretation of uncertainty.  In the climate-science part of the project, change detection in observed climate record will be examined for a range of variables of relevance. In addition, validation of re-analysis and modelling of snow conditions will be accomplished. Projections of extreme daily precipitation in Poland will be also produced and modelling of future snow conditions will be carried out. In the impact part, the project will study large-scale consequences of climate change in the river basins of the Vistula and the Odra, and their sub-catchments, with consideration of water resources, hydrological, environmental, and agricultural aspects. Also an index-based assessment of projected climate change impacts will be made for in-stream ecosystems, wetlands, and agrosystems. Uncertainty analysis will be conducted, consisting of identification of sources of uncertainty, quantification of components of uncertainty, and devising a framework for reducing uncertainty.